May 2020 Retreats Postponed

Given the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and WHO (World Health Organization) recommendations about the coronavirus pandemic, and as Sir mentioned in his satsang yesterday, we must postpone the May 2020 retreats with Sri M.

We are offering all paid registered attendees a prepaid voucher to attend the next retreat with Sri M in Fall of 2020, or if they can't attend, the one after in the Spring of 2021. Voucher-holders will get priority registration. We will send out an email in the next few months detailing the process and dates. Best Western in Graham has promised to cancel reservations, but please make sure your hotel reservations are indeed canceled.

Sri M said in his satsang that ‘Utilize the time you get to practice Yoga and Kriya. Exercise, meditate and build your resistance. Love and a million positive thoughts to all.’

Please stay well and safe.


The Blossom Foundation Board